Together, we can

Mental Health Ambassadors

Build a World Where we all Are happier, Safe, Strong & Valued

We’ve worked on improving the lives of over 25,000 young people through direct practice.

We are looking for youth from different backgrounds who have a spririt to create a huge impact on our society in Indonesia. We hope, we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.

Mental Health Ambassadors - Student Campus Participants| Dear Senja

About Mental Health Ambassadors

Dear Senja’s Mental Health Ambassadors are passionate advocates dedicated to fostering mental well-being, breaking stigmas, and empowering individuals through education, support, and community engagement.

We Listen & Care

We believe that all problems have solutions. We are committed to caring for all the problems of your life by always listening & understanding.

We Build Networks

Dear Senja provide Group chats for all of you who have mental health issues.

We Strengthen

In Dear Senja, We believe we can strengthen each other so you don’t have to feel lonely anymore.

We Educate

We Know that now you are still on learning to solve the problem in your life. By having more information from our content that might be useful for you.

Our numbers that speak

We believe everything started from small steps, hence we need you to become a part of change agents. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Members in Indonesia
Funds Raised
People Helped
Event held

Support us and change the course of a child’s life today!

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